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Q: In water heat travels up much faster than it travels down Explain?
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Explain how water moves as wave energy travels through it?

Sea waves travel as up-and-down vibrations: the water moves up and down (without really moving anywhere) as the energy in the wave travels forward. Waves like this are called transverse waves. That just means the water vibrates at right angles to the direction in which the wave travels. Sound waves work in a completely different way.

What travels faster up than it travels down?

A helium ballon (if it does not pop). If it does pop, then it will accelerate 10meters per second squared due to gravity.

How do you explain to an 8 year old how waves are formed?

When the sea travels towards the coast, the sea bed gets shallower - causing the front edge of the wave to slow down. The water at the back of the wave is moving faster than the front, causing the wave to 'rear up' into the classic white foam appearance.

Does sound travels faster downwind than upwind?

Sound travels faster downwind. The speed at which sound travels is relative to the medium it is moving through. When sound is traveling upwind, you subtract the wind speed from the speed of sound. When it is traveling down wind you add the wind speed.

Why the sand on the beach cools down faster than the ocean water?

Sand does not retain heat as easily as water. Therefore, sand cools down faster than the ocean water.

Does water or sand cool faster after dark?

Sand cools down faster after dark

What kind of energy does water gain it travels down a waterfall?

Kinetic Energy.

Does water cool down faster in smaller containers?

yes, if there is less water there is less to cool down

Does water go down faster then milk?


Does light speed up as it travels through water?

No, light does not speed up in water, it slows down.

What occurs when air traveling over land moves over water cools down and travels back?

When air traveling over land moves over water and cools down and travels back it causes precipitation because the water is now full of water droplets.

Explain why large bodies of water cause local winds to shift direction from day to night?

During the day the land gets is heated fast, but the water takes a while to heat up. At night, water cools down right away, as does land, land absorbs heat faster than water and can also gets cooler faster.