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Here the child at 16 years can not decide where she or he wants to live. As they are minors the court will decide it for them.

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Q: In what Canadian province can a 16 year old decide which parent they choose to live with?
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Can a child choose who to live with if custodial parent is deceased?

No. The court will decide.

How old do you have to be in Georgia to decide which parent you wan to live with?

Minors are not allowed to choose.

Can minors choose which parent they want to live withcom?

As long as you are a minor you are not allowed to decide who you will live with.

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No, minors are not allowed to choose.

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In Georgia it will take the judge to decide , after hearing all three people he will decide.

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You are emancipated by 18 and can choose where to live.

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No. Autism gives no special power to select a custodial parent. If a decision must be made and it cannot be made with the consent and agreement of the parents then the court will decide.

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Yes. you can not choose until you are 18. Until then your parents decide where you should live and if they can not get along the other parent can petition the court for custody and then a judge would have to decide.

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Filipino Canadian Autism Parent Support Group was created in 1996.

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Child protective services does no decide if a parent is unfit. A judge will decide that. Child protective services can and will however, help the judge to decide by presenting any evidence they have found that may prove the parent unfit.

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The teenager can decide just how long to spend the vacation with a parent, however if the parent disagrees then the decision can be reversed.

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