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Q: In what areas of the world would you still find typhus?
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there are still wars in the world.

What illnesses did Jews get in concentration camps?

They could have gotten disentary, Typhus, and alot more, but Disentary is the worst. That's like knocking on Death's Door, so to speak. Typhus affects you by the air. That would be the worst, I could immagine.

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WE would not be here, it would still be a reptilian world.

What efforts were made to cure typhus during the Holocaust?

you gas them - which is exactly what mengele did his 1st day at birkenau, when theres an epidemic of typhoid, mengele's new method was to send everyone in the block to the gas chambers (even if the block has only 1 case of typhus) then the baracks were all disinfected. and that's how you get rid of typhus! mengele would boast. & he actually got a medal for it!

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it would be better to travel over the world

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if earth is the world, then yes without earth there would still be time.

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Catholicism has not been overthrown. It is still alive and well, God guaranteed that He would be with it until the end of the world. It has been viciously persecuted in some regions, and, I believe is illegal in many areas of the Muslim world, but it has most definitely not been "overthrown".

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The world would be a much safer place if the World Trade Center was still here and the terrorists never came on American soil. Americans would not be so paranoid of other countries.

Did Anne frank get typhus disease from the concentration?

3. Contraction Concentration camps teemed with these body lice, and many military commanders considered using them as biological weapons during war; that was the extent to how harmful the lice were. When the lice found a human, and started to feed on them, the lice would defecate where they would feed. If the human host scratched the spot where they were bitten, they would rub in the feces, which contained the bacteria. The bacteria would then enter their cell, steal the energy, and multiply. Title: Typhus DiseaseInfo: The back of a person who has typhus.

Are the Siberian traps still active?

No. They used to be some of the most active geologic areas. To give an example, that region erupted for 1 million years at full force. If they were to become active, it would be the end of the world as we know it.

Are Siberian traps still active?

No. They used to be some of the most active geologic areas. To give an example, that region erupted for 1 million years at full force. If they were to become active, it would be the end of the world as we know it.

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I would say still living would be Elton John