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The gray fox is found in all the deserts of North America including the Chihuahuan, the Sonoran, the Great Basin, the Mojave, and the Colorado Plateau Desert.

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Q: In what desert does the gray fox live?
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Does a fox live in the desert?

In the Americas, there are several species of fox found in the desert - gray fox, red fox and kit fox - are all seen in the deserts of the southwest.

Why are desert foxes sandy colored?

Not all foxes that live in the desert are sandy colored. Two examples - the red fox and the gray fox.

Is the gray fox in the desert?

Yes, the gray fox is found in all the deserts of North America.

What happens to desert fox who live in mangroves?

The desert fox (fennec) does not live in mangroves.

Does the gray fox live in Idaho?

Yes, the gray fox lives in Idaho.

What are three types of animals that live in the Patagonian Desert?

Weasels, cougar, the gray fox and many more mammals.

Where does the desert fox live?

The Fennec Fox, but it has also been known to reside in Saudia Arabia The Fennec Fox, but it has also been known to reside in Saudia Arabia

Does the gray fox live in trees?

No, the gray fox is able to climb trees quite well but does not live in trees.

Does the gray fox live in the Catskill Mountains?

Yes, the gray fox is found in the Catskills.

Do animals live in the Patagonian Desert?

Despite the harsh desert environment, a number of animals do venture into and live in the Patagonian desert. Some only live on the more habitable and geographically-varied outskirts of the desert, where food is more abundant and the environment less hostile, but all are found within the region encompassing the Patagonian desert. These are animals and birds found in this region :-Burrowing OwlRheaGuanaco, Tuco-tucoMaraArmadillo Patagonian WeaselCougar (puma)South American Gray Fox (patagonian gray fox)Desert iguana Jumping spiderEagle Hawk

Does the gray fox belong to a pack?

No, the gray fox may live in a small family group but not in packs.

Where do desert foxes live?

Foxes live in the desert because that is their home.