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The origins of Christianity are clearly in the early Jewish faith. Some see further influences from Greek paganism and ancient Greek philosophy, particularly Platonism. Others say that Christianity could have evolved from the mystery religions.

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Q: In what early religion are the roots of Christianity found?
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Roots of Christianity are found in what early religion?

The origins of Christianity are clearly in the early Jewish faith. Some see further influences from Greek paganism and ancient Greek philosophy, particularly Platonism. Others say that Christianity could have evolved from the mystery religions.

What early religion did Islam descend from?

Islam is an Abrahamic religion, and thus has its roots in Judaism and is connected to Christianity, as they all worship the same god. Islam originated with the prophet Muhammad, who Muslims believe to be a prophet of the god of Abraham.

Christianity is strongly tied to which religion of which Jesus was a member?

AnswerChristianity has its roots in Judaism, a religion of which Jesus was a member.

The roots of Hinduism are found in the religion.?

Answer this question… Vedic

Is Judaism a Catholic or non-Catholic religion?

Judaism and Christianity are two religions connected to each other as Christianity stems, or has its roots in, Judaism; they are, however, separate religions. Catholicism is the largest denomination in the Religion call Christianity.

Which book is associated with the growth of Christianity as a separate religion from its roots in Judaism?

The New Testament of the Bible. Christianity is not a religion. It is a relationship, with God. Christianity started after the death burial and ressurrection of Jesus Christ. It is not really a development from Judaism.

Is it right that Muslim religion comes from Hindu religion?

no. Muslim religion comes from Judeo-Christianity. According to the Koran, the angel Jibril (Gabriel) revealed it to Mohammed. Of course, Judeo-Christianity comes fromZoroastrianism which does have some roots in Vedic Hinduism, so there is a connection of sorts.

Why do many people see Christianity as a European religion when there are millions more Hispanic African and Asian Christians than European ones?

Christianity is often considered a European religion because of its roots in that area. The fact that there are many Hispanic (which has European roots), African, and Asian Christian does not seem to make a difference in this attitude.

Where is Christianity from?

Christian is from Atlanta Georgia

What is abrahamian religion?

The Abrahamic faiths are all monotheistic ones that have their roots in the prophet Abraham, the central religions are Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Bahá'í.

Is the Jewish religion similar to any other?

AnswerNaturally, the Jewish religion, Judaism, is similar to Christianity and Islam, which have their roots in Judaism. It is also somewhat similar to Zoroastrianism, the religion of the Persians who defeated Babylon and allwed the Jews to return to their ancestral homeland.

What religion are the roots of Hinduism are found in?

For a Hindu person, there are no roots found in any other religion, but instead Hindu has always been. The ritual faith itself can be dated clear back to 1800 BCE. Some Biblical scholars believe that aspects of this religion were part of the Ancient City of Babel. (Genesis 11:1-9)