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Mellie Gulgowski

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Q: The roots of Hinduism are found in the religion.?
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The roots of Hinduism are found in the what religion?

For a Hindu person, there are no roots found in any other religion, but instead Hindu has always been. The ritual faith itself can be dated clear back to 1800 BCE. Some Biblical scholars believe that aspects of this religion were part of the Ancient City of Babel. (Genesis 11:1-9)

Was Hinduism a king?

Hinduism is a religion, primarily found in Asia.

What religion as found in India?

Hinduism is the main religion in India. For more info on Hinduism check out Wikipedia.

What religion are the roots of Hinduism are found in?

For a Hindu person, there are no roots found in any other religion, but instead Hindu has always been. The ritual faith itself can be dated clear back to 1800 BCE. Some Biblical scholars believe that aspects of this religion were part of the Ancient City of Babel. (Genesis 11:1-9)

Where can the religion of Hindu be found?

Hinduism can be found in India. Also you can find Hinduism in Nepal, Myanmar & Mauritius.

Where is the majority of the religion Hinduism?

Hinduism is found in large quantities everywhere but it is mainly seen in India.

In what ways is Hinduism especially related to the land of India?

Hinduism was originally discovered being practiced in India. Hinduism translates to "Indianism," which is what the immigrating Aryans called the ancient religion. Much of India's population today practices Hinduism, and it is the major religion of the country. About 83 percent of India practices Hinduism. This religion eventually spread, but its roots remain in India.

Where is Hinduism found in the world?

it is found in india.....though its not the only religion found there it is the major one

Where is the religion or belief system found today of Hinduism?

Mainly in India

Which religion is largely based on Hinduism?

Buddhism is a religion that has some roots in Hinduism, particularly in terms of shared cultural and philosophical elements. Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, was raised in a Hindu culture and drew upon some Hindu concepts in developing his teachings.

Is Sri Swami Dayananda the person who started Hinduism?

No. Swami Dayanand is just a follower and preacher of Hinduism. He was a Vedic Philosopher who revived Hinduism with its true Sanatan Vedic philosophy and thought. Hinduism is formed of diverse traditions and has no single founder. Among its direct roots is the historical Vedic religion of Iron Age India and, as such, Hinduism is often called the "oldest living religion" or the "oldest living major religion" in the world.