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Hinduism was originally discovered being practiced in India. Hinduism translates to "Indianism," which is what the immigrating Aryans called the ancient religion. Much of India's population today practices Hinduism, and it is the major religion of the country. About 83 percent of India practices Hinduism. This religion eventually spread, but its roots remain in India.

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Q: In what ways is Hinduism especially related to the land of India?
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Where did the Hinduism religion begin?

Hinduism began in Ancient India. According to Mythology Hinduism Began on the land of Modern Kashi situated in India.

What continent does Hinduism land on?

Hinduism was founded inside India. So continent wise Hinduism was found In Asian Continent.

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Hinduism played vital role in India's freedom. Just Because of Hinduism people got united and fought for their mother land.

How was Hinduism given its name?

When you think India that was not its first official name it was Hindustan the mother land of hindus. But when the britishers came to the land they could not pronounce it so the name evolved and became india.

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In India Hinduism was started. Precisely in kashi, it is said that when Lord Shiva made a land for Lord Brahma & Lord Vishnu to pray Hinduism was founded.

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L'Inde. But you pronounce it like Land.

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Where did hinduism religion begin?

It began in India. This religion is the oldest religion in the world.

What two religions mixed to form Hinduism?

India was mother land for Dravidian, when Aryans Invaded India their and Dravidian culture began to blend. These two quite different cultures slowly blended into one and modern Hinduism was born.

What religion is the main religion in Mumbai?

actually, let us start with the main land, India, the dominated religion of India is Hinduism, so also Mumbai. but Mumbai has many minorities like paarsis ,Jews,etc., it also has a considerable population of Muslims but still Hinduism stands dominant main even considering Islam and other minorities. So Hinduism is the main religion in Mumbai

What area did Hinduism Buddhism judaism and zoroastrianism develop?

Hinduism began in India around 1,700 BC. Buddhism also began in India around 500 BC. Judaism began in the Land of Canaan (present day Israel) around 1,800 BC. Zoroastrianism began in Persia (Iran) around 600 BC.