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Im only 7 weeks, and i cramp all the time. its not bad cramping, but its mild come and go type cramping..

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Q: In what month does cramping start?
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Can you start cramping as soon as you concive?

It is unlikely that you would begin cramping right away. The first cramping you should notice would be around the time of your implantation bleeding.

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Does cramping occurs 2 weeks before your period starts?

It can happen at any time of the month but usually cramping occurs just before or during your period.

Is there a chance of pregnancy if you began spotting 2 weeks after your period went off for a week with cramping and nausea?

unless the next month you miss your period and you dont have one no. Cramping and nausea come with your period

Does cramping usually happen the day before you start spotting Like when you PMS?

Cramping can happen whenever! I sometimes get cramps 2 weeks before I actually start my period. My worse cramps come the day before and the day of my period.

Your period was very short this month and it finished but I'm still cramping?

Part of the period, maybe it wasn't as short as you think.

You are 1 month pregnant what does it mean when you have brown spotting?

Spotting in the 1st month usually means nothing unless it is accompanied by cramping. I have had 4 successful pregnancies and have spotted light brown/pinkish with no complications with the babies. If the bleeding becomes heavy or cramping starts you should definitely see a doctor and express your concerns

Why does your stomache hurt when on your period?

The lining of your uterus builds up over the month in preparation for an egg to be implanted when fertilized. If this does not happen your hormones start the uterus to contract and expel the blood. When your uterus contract severely you feel it as cramping in your lower abdomen.

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How many weeks in pregnancy do you start getting cramps and aching?

Some women experience mild cramping and increased vaginal discharge soon after their missed period, others may not have any cramping.

Miscarriage does cramping start first or the bleeding?

Cramping starts first then the bleeding usually follows not long after or u can have discharge followed by pain, then heavy bleeding.It just depends on the stage in pregnancy