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Q: In what part of Britain might you order stacked crempog pancakes covered in salty butter?
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What is stacked up in the cell like pancakes?


An organelle consisting of a series of flattened sancs stacked somewhat like pancakes is?

It would be the Golgi Body, or Golgi Apparatus. The primary function of the Golgi apparatus is to process and package macromolecules, such as proteins and lipids, after their synthesis and before they make their way to their destination; it is particularly important in the processing of proteins for secretion. The Golgi apparatus forms a part of the cellular endomembrane system.

How do you spell stacked?

Stacked is correct.

Which type of graph makes it easy to see that Oxygen is roughly one-half the total?

A pie or a stacked bar.A pie or a stacked bar.A pie or a stacked bar.A pie or a stacked bar.

What is the duration of Stacked?

The duration of Stacked is 1440.0 seconds.

What do you do after the hay is cut and baled?

The hay is usually stacked and stored in a barn from which it is taken to feed livestock. Sometimes it is stacked outside and covered with a waterproof tarp to keep it dry. The idea is to keep it dry so that it will not mold.

When was Stacked Deck created?

Stacked Deck was created in 1975.

When did Stacked end?

Stacked ended on 2006-01-11.

When was Stacked Up created?

Stacked Up was created on 1994-05-02.

When did Stacked with Daniel Negreanu happen?

Stacked with Daniel Negreanu happened in 2006.

When was Stacked Rubbish created?

Stacked Rubbish was created on 2007-07-04.

When bricks are stacked on scaffolding how high can they be stacked?

Basically it depends on the challis load bearing capacity on scaffolding, normally up to 300mm ht. can be stacked.