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Sidewinders generally prefer the lower, sandy regions of the Mojave and Sonoran Deserts.

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Q: In what part of the desert do the sidewinder rattlesnakes live?
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Are rattlesnakes and cobras part of the same species?

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Are there timber rattlesnakes in Nebraska?

Yes, but only in the very southeast part of the state. Timber Rattlesnakes live in forested areas with heavy tree canopies: therefore it makes sense that they would only live in the southeast portion of the state, and not in the central or western part where the landscape is mostly prairie.

What eats a sidewinder rattlesnake?

Young Rattlesnakes (less than 2 years old) are heavily preyed upon by numerous species like Ravens, Crows, Raccoons, Coyotes, Weasels etc. Even Adult Rattlesnakes are known to cannibalize youngsters. Adolescent Rattlesnakes (above 2 years) are preyed upon by larger predators like Eagles, Hawks, Badgers, Kingsnakes etc. Adult Rattle snakes have only one known predator the "Kingsnake" which is a constrictor. It is immune to the venom of Rattlesnakes and other Vipers and consumes them as a part of its natural diet.

What do sidewinder tracks look like?

They look like a series of J shaped tracks in the sand. The hooked part of the J points in the direction that the sidewinder was going

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Yes they live in central Australia AKA the desert part of Australia.

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Do rabbits live in the desert?

Yes, rabbits live in the desert. Infact rabbits live in almost every part of the world.BY: KALI STOW age 12

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