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she reacted by yelling back and getting mad at him for forcing the Paris thingy on her or for her to be exiled.

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Act III Scene 5

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Act 3 scene 5

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Q: In what scene does Juliet get yelled at by her father?
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Who said deny the father and refuse thy name in the play romeo and Juliet?

Juliet said it to Romeo in the balcony scene

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The plans that Juliet's parents have made for her is to marry Lord Paris. This is in scene 4 of act 3, and it is mostly Juliet's father that makes the plan, although her mother goes along with it.

Why is Juliet upset in act four scene one in Romeo and Juliet?

Her father is trying to force her to marry Paris when she is already married to Romeo.

In act 4 scene 2 what does Juliet tell Her father?

She tells him she will marry Paris after all.

What does Juliet tell her father when she returns home Tuesday in Act 4?

I'm pretty sure your asking about the scene where Juliet comes home to her mother and father telling her that she will marry Paris but she refuses,

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In Act III Scene IV, by her father without first consulting her.

Who wants to marry Juliet in the tragedy of romeo and Juliet act 1?

In Act 1 scene 2 Paris asks Juliet's father if he can marry her. However, in Act 1 Scene 5 Romeo also starts getting ideas along those lines.

When does Capulet tell Paris he can marry Juliet?

Capulet tells Paris that he can marry Juliet during the party at the beginning of Romeo and Juliet, Act 1, Scene 5. He gives his blessing to Paris and expresses his desire for Juliet to marry someone.

When did Juliet see romeo the first time?

At a party at her father's house (Act 1 Scene 5 of the play)

Who is the princes punishment different from scene one to scene 3 in romeo and Juliet?

juliet was punished in scene 3 of the movie