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Q: In what season does most of the taiga's rainfall occur?
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Most deserts have a rainy season when they receive the major portion of their annual rainfall. Some have a rainy season in the summer. Some have a rainy season in the summer and a second in the winter.

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Most flash floods occur after late afternoon rainfall.

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Tornadoes can occur in any season but are most common in the spring.

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The average annual rainfall is 553 mm. Most rain falls during the rainy season, between October and January.

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it does not have a piticular season but there are most likely to occur in sping

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Mostly during the spring time in March though June, but they can occur at any time of year.

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Whhat a pointless question -_-

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When does the African savanna get the most rainfall?

The rainy season in West Africa generally falls from the end of April - July and again in September/October. The rainfall varies and can even miss an area leading to drought.