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Q: In what way can a trend help a scientist make a prediction?
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How does a trend help someone to make a prediction?

IDK lol! (:

How do trends help a scientist make a prediction?

If a scientist notices an event that continually happens due to another event or action, he can predict, If this event happens, this event will happen next.

Which type of scientist might make prediction about the path of hurricane?


What type of scientist might make prediction's about the path of a hurricane?

A meteorologist.

How does a trend help a scientist make a prediction?

Basic facts divided into numeral number of hex decimial numbers put together into one pool and then calcuated out of the term basic fact of the way humans act react think teach and what we do each of that has a number and that can be put together by the use of hex decimal Example: 000055FY662DDDA333, To be in love.

Can a table of contents help you make a prediction?

It can help you predict what is in a book.

What usually happens after a scientist develops a hypothesis?

According to the scientific method, after a scientist forms a hypothesis, he will make a prediction of the outcome of his experiment, based on his observations.

When do scientist use line graphs?

If u want to make trend analysis of an event and data scientists use the line graph.

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How Trend analysis can help to make future projection?

The past repeats itself. Trend analysis uses historical patterns to forecast the future.

What is the name of scientist who had told that you can not make synthetic fiber with the help of chemical?

Any scientist, it is an error.