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The narrator is too proud to have an invalid for a brother so he takes it upon himself to teach Doodle how to stand up, walk, run and swim. His pride helped Doodle because these are activities no one ever thought Doodle would be able to do when he was born. The narrator's pride hurt Doodle because he forced Doodle to over exert himself in order to have become more athletic in too short a time. The narrator's unrealistic expectations led to Doodle dying from physical exhaustion.

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The narrator's pride helps Doodle by pushing him to strive for success and overcome his physical limitations. However, it also hurts Doodle by putting pressure on him to meet the narrator's expectations, which can be overwhelming and discouraging for Doodle.

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Q: In what way does the narrator's pride help and also hurt doodle?
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What motivates the narrator to teach doodle to walk?

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What does he plan to teach doodle after doodle learns to walk?

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Why is brother cruel to doodle in 'The Scarlet Ibis?

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You can find worksheets that help your child draw conclusions on Pride and Prejudice on the following