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Q: In what way were Otto von Bismark and Giuseppe Garibaldi comparable?
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What were Otto von Bismarck and Giuseppe Garibaldi comparable?

Both did a lot to unify their countries. I. e. Garibaldi Italy, Chancellor Bismarck Germany.

What way were Otto von Bismarck and Giuseppe Garibaldi comparable?

Both did a lot to unify their countries. I. e. Garibaldi Italy, Chancellor Bismarck Germany.

How were Otto von Bismarck and Giuseppe Garibaldi comparable?

Both men promoted nationalism to unify small states into larger nation states.

One political objective of both Otto von Bismarck and Giuseppe and Garibaldi was to?

one political objective of both Otto Von Bismarck and Giuseppe Garibaldi was to unify their nations.

In what way were Otto von Bismarck and Giuseppe Garibaldi comparable?

Both men promoted nationalism to unify small states into larger nation-states.

Which nation was unified by otto von bismark?

The nation that was unified by Otto Von Bismark was Prussia and Germany. Otto Von Bismark ruled in Germany from 1960 to the early years of 1890.

Why is Otto von Bismark famous?

Otto Von Bismark is accredited with the Unification of Germany, which led to the German's overconfidence in WW1.

Who originated realpolitik?

Otto Von Bismark

What was the legacy of otto von Bismarck?

Otto von Bismark United Germany

Who was the person behind the German unification?

Otto van Bismark

Who was the leader of the 2nd Reich?

Otto Von Bismark

Who was the first counciler of Germany?

Otto von Bismark