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Q: In what way were the puritans undemocratic?
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Why were the puritans political view undemocratic?

They were blocked from changing the system from within, but their views were the Puritans became a major political force in England and came to power as a only in their piety and discipline but in their democratic practices".

How do you use undemocratic in a sentence?

The word "undemocratic" literally means "not democratic. " An example of a sentence using the word "undemocratic" is "The legally elected government was replaced with an undemocratic dictatorship. "

Is United Nations undemocratic for India?

Un is undemocratic for India because it is my holiday homework . I have to elaborate on this topic. and my holiday is undemocratic for me..........

The way the puritans dressed.?

puritans were dressed in simple with dull colours

Is UN undemocratic for India?

Is UN undemocratic fo India? Elaborate

Compare the way the English government treated the Puritans with the way the Puritans treated Anne Hutchinson. How are they similar?

Not good

What is the root of undemocratic?

the root word for undemocratic is un the right term is un

What is the root word of undemocratic?

the root word for undemocratic is un the right term is un

How did the puritans colonists provide for education in a way no European country had done before?

the puritans built schools.

What aretwo undemocratic features of the colonial america?

Two undemocratic features of the colonial America were slavery and unequal voting rights

Puritans differed from Separatists in that?

The biggest difference between the Separatists and the Puritans is that the Puritans believed they could live out the congregational way in their local churches without abandoning the larger Church of England.

What is undemocratic about the plan of a slave ship?
