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Q: In what ways did radical reconstruction address and secure these forms of equality?
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The framers of the constitution wanted to secure the blessings of?

The framers of the Constitution wanted to secure the blessings of of equality/liberty.

The framers of the constitution wanted to secure the blessings of ----- for themselves and their descendants?

The framers of the Constitution wanted to secure the blessings of of equality/liberty.

Who did the framers of the Constitution want to secure blessings from for themselves and for their descendants?

The framers of the Constitution wanted to secure the blessings of of equality/liberty.

How did the moderate and radical republicans in congress disagree over African American civil rights?

Moderate Republicans believed in gradual and limited civil rights reforms for African Americans, such as the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1866 and the 14th Amendment. Radical Republicans, on the other hand, advocated for more comprehensive and immediate civil rights protections for African Americans, including voting rights and land distribution. They clashed over these differing approaches, with radicals pushing for more aggressive legislation and actions to secure equality for African Americans.

What is false about Nelson Mandela?

He believes violence is the only way to secure equality for his people.

Does a yellow shaded address bar on a website indicates that the website is secure?

No, it doesn't. You can go to Facebook and the website is secure but your address bar won't be shaded.

Having https in the address guarantees that the site is legitimate and secure?

No, a secure site would have "https".

Why did congress pass a reconstruction plan?

Congress passed a reconstruction plan after the American Civil War to address the issues of rebuilding the Southern states and reintegrating them into the Union. The plan aimed to ensure civil rights for newly freed slaves and establish a new order in the South. It also sought to prevent future secession and secure a lasting peace.

Which US president worked with civil rights leaders to secure equality and liberty?

John F. Kennedy worked with civil rights leaders to secure equality and liberty of African-Americans. He gave a televised speech on the issue of racial discrimination, and submitted a civil rights legislation to congress in 1963.

Having https in the address guarantees that the site is legitimate and secure.?


Who led the opposition to president Johnson wanted to break the power of southern planters were who?

One of the key leaders who opposed President Johnson and sought to break the power of southern planters were the Radical Republicans in Congress, including Thaddeus Stevens and Charles Sumner. They advocated for a more aggressive approach towards Reconstruction in order to secure civil rights and protections for newly freed slaves.

What does the HTTP acronym stand for?

It stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. It is used before a web address to ensure that it is on a secure server.