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Q: In what ways does Roman art and architecture incorporate the arts of conquered peoples from England to Egypt?
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What are some peoples opinion of King Arthur?

The peoples opinion of king Arthur where that they thought he was a true leader

What did ancient peoples believe caused earthquakes?

The Sun

What is the word for changing peoples appearance on a computer?


What did Martin Luther love?

history,peoples right, freedom

What paint is best to use on a basketball backing board?

black peoples jiz

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The sea peoples(:

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Charlemagne forced the conquered peoples to convert to Christianity.

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They collected tribute from conquered peoples.

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by licking penis

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The kinds of relationships that European explorers formed with conquered peoples were primarily determined by the goals of the explorers and the perceived value of the conquered peoples - whether as allies, subjects for exploitation, or obstacles to be overcome. Factors like cultural differences, technological superiority, and military strategies also played a role in shaping these relationships.

Who conquered the Han dynasty?

the Huns. They were a nomadic group from the north.

How did Germany and japan rule the people they conquered?

During World War II, the rule of conquered peoples by both Germany and Japan should be generally characterized as oppressive. Despite some rhetoric (and, sometimes, limited action) concerning liberation and unification, both nations abused conquered peoples and consumed as their own the resources of conquered nations.

Which group conquered the native peoples in russia and Ukraine?

the vikings ans Mongols