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the knight accepted the old woman as his wife, he gave her the power to take the decision whether she stayed the way she was (old and ugly) or pretty but maybe unfaithful. She got so happy that he gave her the power to take a decision that she became pretty and young. Both lived happily ever after.

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Layla Collier

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2y ago

In the beginning, he was resentful in a way for taking his freedom (marriage), even though she granted him the ability to live by answering the queen's question. As the story progresses, She gives him the option to stay old and ugly or become pretty and unfaithful. He says that she can do as she pleases, and because of this, she becomes young beautiful. He gives her the answer that she wants, so she rewards him.

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Q: In what ways does the relationship between the knight and the old woman change during the course of the story?
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