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Q: In what year did the Pilgrims reach New England on the ship called the Mayflower?
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Why did passengers on the mayflower despair of reaching America?

From everything I have read they didn’t despair. It took three months in a small ship for the 60 Pilgrims to reach Massachusetts and they were blown off course by a storm.

Why did the pilgrims travel at that time of year?

In 1620 it took 3 months to reach North America from England so they had to time their trip for the best weather.

How long did it take the mayflower to reach land?


When did the pilgrims reach Plymouth rock?

on 1620

How did first Americans likely reach the Americas?

By boat on the Mayflower.

What were the two ships that helped the pilgrims reach America?

The two original Pilgrim ships that traveled to the New World were the Speedwell and Mayflower. Both set sail for the New World on August 15, 1620, but were forced back twice due to dangerous leaks on the Speedwell. The Speedwell's passengers regrouped on the Mayflower, and on September 16th, the voyage began, a month behind schedule.

What area was the pilgrims trying to reach?

colonial america

What harbor do the pilgrims reach?

Plymouth Rock,Massachucetts.

When did the mayflower reach Canada?

THE ANSWER BELOW IS WRONG: The Mayflower never landed in Canada. It landed on the Massachusetts coast where Plymouth was built in 1620.

What state or area were the pilgrims initially to reach?

They were trying to get to Holland.

What was the first American ship to reach the coast of California?

the mayflower