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carbohydrate digestion doesn't occur in the stomach and the large intestine.

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Q: In which body compartment does carbohydrate digestion not occur?
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What is the definition of carbohydrate intolerance?

Carbohydrate intolerance is the inability of the body to completely process the nutrient carbohydrate into a source of energy for the body, usually because of the deficiency of an enzyme needed for digestion.

How is digestion in fungi different from digestion in human beings?

Most fungi digest their food by extracellular digestion, or at least some hydrolysis occur beforehand. Meaning the food is broken down in compartments that are continuous with the outside of the fungi's body. Example of such an compartment: Gastrovascular cavity.

Where does most CHO digestion occur in the body?


Where does physical change in digestion occur?

it happens nowere in your body

When does digestion occur for carbohydrates?

Carbohydrate's digestion begins when you start chewing. As you chew the saliva secreted by the salivary glands mixes with your food. Before the food goes down the oesophagus (say eeso-pha-gus) or food pipe, the carbohydrates have now broken down and the energy is provided to the body.

What is the major monosaccharides found in the body?

Glucose. It is absorbed directly into the bloodstream during digestion and a vital carbohydrate as it is a source of energy.

What areas of the body does mechanical digestion occur?

mouth,stomach and small intestine

What is the end product of carbohydrate digestion?

The most important end product of digestion is the separation of nutrients, most of which are absorbed through the small intestine and distributed throughout the body cells by the circulatory system.

What is the main purpose of carbohydrate?

There are two main purposes of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates aid the body in digestion as well as give the body energy.

How does digestion occur throughout the digestion system?

to see how food from your mouth gets broken into pieces and come put of the body as human waste

What are the four stages of processing food that occur in the human body?

ingestion, absorption, digestion and elimination

Where does the digestion occur in the body?

It starts in your mouth and ends in your large intestine.