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Q: In which document Muslims' demand of Separate Electorate was accepted?
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The main demand of simla delegation was that,there should be seprate electorate for Muslims and a separate representative for Muslims in provincial assembly.

Who accepted Muhammad's teachings?

At last whole Arabian population accepted Islam and followed his teachings . _______________________________________ All Muslims of the world; more than 1600 million Muslims.

Q2. Why was Simla Deputation of 1906 a turning point in the lives of Muslims in the subcontinent?

The British acceptance of the Simla Deputation was an extremely important moment in the history of the subcontinent.The acceptance showed that the attempts made by Sir Syed and others to restore relations between the Muslims and the British had been successful. The long-term importance of the meetingwas that the underlying tensions between the two main communities in the subcontinent, the Hindus and Muslims, were now on a constitutional plane. The granting of the right of separate electorates for Muslims gave them their rights to express their demands. The Simla Deputation was also a factor that made Muslims feel a need for their own political party. It can rightly be called the first real political step towards a separatehomeland.

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How many nations and why.

Does the British recognised the Muslims as a separate nation?

i hope not

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The Muslims offer their prayer in a Mosque. The Bhuhists have separate temples.

What were the achievements of All India Muslim League?

Muslim League was founded so as the Muslims could have a separate political party to protest against the brisitsh as the Congress had betrayed them. So on 30 December 1906, the following perosns laid the foundation of Muslim League:Nawab Sir Khwaja SalimullahNawab Waqar-ul-Mulk KambohNawab Mohsin-ul-MulkSyed Ameer AliThe First President was Sir Aga Khan. The achiveemnets of Muslim League were:Represented the Muslims of Sub-continent .Answer to Congress Propaganda .Formation of Aligarh Muslim University .gaining of separate electorate for the Muslims in the Minto-Morley Reforms of 1909.

Compare Nehru report with quaid's 14 point?

The main difference between the nehru report and jinnah points was that Nehru report focused on addressing the issues related to hindus whereas jinnah points focused on addressing the issues related to muslims. Jinnah points demanded separate rights for muslims which were left ignored in Nehru report. Jinnah demanded the separate electorate rights for muslims. He demanded that muslim majority areas should be given a separate status Jinnah suggested that sindh should be separated from the Bombay presidency. Hence Jinnah points were for the protection of rights of muslims and Nehru report failed to address the rights of muslims. A comparison of the Nehru Report with the Quaid-e-Azam's fourteen points shows that the political gap between the Muslims and the Hindus had really widened. Fourteen points of Quaid-e-Azam became principles for the Muslims of India. The importance of these points can be judged by the fact that these points were presented in the Round Table Conference of 1930. As a result, these points became the demands of the Muslims and greatly influenced the Muslims thinking for the next two decades till the establishment of Pakistan in 1947

Why was the nations of Pakistan created?

To separate Muslims and Hindu from each other!

Why did bangladesh separate from India?

Because the Muslims had captured it by encountering the people of Bangladesh

How do Muslims say hello?

(Muslims are members of Islam, which is a religion, not a separate language.) Asalamu Aleikum is the Muslim greeting, which is similar in Arabic and Pashto.

Why was the Delhi Proposal of 1927 given?

Considering separate electorates to be the main hindrance in improving Hindu-Muslim relations, Quaid-i-Azam proposed that if the Hindus agreed to provide certain safeguards, the Muslims would give up this demand. Consequently, the proposals were formally approved at a conference held by the Muslims in 1927 at Delhi, and are now called "The Delhi-Muslim Proposals". Following are the safeguards that were proposed: 1. The formation of a separate province of Sindh. 2. Introduction of reforms in the North West Frontier Province and in Baluchistan on the same footing as in other provinces. Unless and until the above proposals were implemented, the Muslims would never surrender the right of their representation through separate electorates. Muslims would be willing to abandon separate electorates in favor of joint electorates with the reservation of seats fixed in proportion to the population of different communities, if the above two proposals were implemented to the full satisfaction of Muslims and also if the following proposals were accepted. 4. Hindu minorities in Sindh, Baluchistan and the North West Frontier Province be accorded the same concessions in the form of reservation of seats over and above the proportion of their population as Muslims would get in Hindu majority provinces. 5. Muslim representation in the Central Legislature would not be less than one-third. 6. In addition to provisions like religious freedom, there was to be a further guarantee in the constitution that on communal matters no bill or resolution would be considered or passed if three-fourth of the members of the community concerned were opposed to it. These proposals were to be accepted or rejected in toto. So, in effect, the Muslims agreed to give up the separate electorates in form of the reservation of seats. Unfortunately, the Congress first accepted but later rejected the proposals.