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The Greeks fought against the Persians in the movie 300 starring Gerard Butler

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Q: In which movie did Greeks fight against Persians to escape enslavery?
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Why couldn't the Greeks hold the pass at Thermopylae?

They did hold it for three days, to force a sea battle against the Persians. When the Persians won the sea battle, the Pass had no further use, and the Greek force was withdrawn. The Spartan and Thespian contingents stayed holding the pass to let the other city contingents escape.

What is Leonidas most famous for?

He led the delaying force against the Persian invasion at Thermopylae pass, and died holding off the Persians to allow the force to escape.

Why did Greece pick thermmopylae to defend against the Persians?

By obstructing the pass, the Persian army's advance into southern Greece was delayed. As the Persian fleet threatened the Greek cities and the cities kept their armies at home guarding against an amphibious attack on them, the Greeks plan was to provoke a sea battle to destroy the Persian fleet. The idea was that holding the pass would force the Persians to try to outflank the position by sea, and the Greek fleet would pounce. Unfortunately for the Greeks the sea battle went against them, so holding the pass was to no avail. The troops holding the pass were therefore withdrawn. The Spartan contingent selflessly continued to hold to let the other city contingents escape.

How did Themistocles get the Persians to attack their ships?

Themistocles sent the Persians misleading information, even pretending he was willing to switch sides. He told them the Greek fleet would try to escape through the rear passage from Salamis, causing the Persians to send a third of their fleet around to cover it. He also said that the fleet might try to get out through the eastern passage, so the Persians ships sat at their oars during the night waiting in the rough swell, and were exhausted when they attacked the following morning.. The Persians thought they had the Greeks trapped, and split their remaining fleet to go through the two passages towards Salamis, and going through the passages, went in line ahead. With the numbers of ships evened up, he waiting Greeks attacked the two strung-out lines from the flanks in the strait and defeated them.

Which belief of the early Greeks is reflected in the story of Perseus?

you can not escape your destiny

Did 300 Spartans win or 180000 Persians?

180,000 Persians won. This took place in the battle of Thermopylae. Leonidas and his army of 6,000 to 7,000 Spartans but were delayed by the Persians when a Greek traitor showed the Persians how to attack from both sides. Leonidas commanded all of his soldiers to escape except for 300 Spartans.

What drove the Spartans to fight the Persians with all odds against them?

Firstly to do their task of holding the Pass at Thermopylai to slow the Persian march south. Second, when it was time to withdraw, they selflessly continued to hold the pass to let their allies escape.

What was the outcome of the battle of thermopylae 480bc?

The persion and some of the Greeks escape while groups among the Greeks continuing fighting and all of them died

In Ancient Spartan History how did the Persians defeat the Spartans at Thermopylae Pass?

The Spartans led a frce to hold the pass to force a sea battle in the nearby strait. When the Greeks lost the sea battle, the reason to hold the pass no longer existed. The Spartans selflessly kept holding the pass to let their allies escape, and were overwhelmed.

How do you enter Mordred's escape tunnel?

you push against it

How did Dauris help Ancient Greece?

-In about 500 BC, Greeks in Asia Minor rebelled against the Persians -Athens helped these city-states in their uprisings -This began a series of conflicts between Greece and Persia known as the Persian Wars -It lasted from about 500 BC to 479 BC (21 years) WARS UNDER DARIUS AND XERXES: -Darius, a Persian ruler: -easily crushed Greek revolts in Asia Minor -also wanted to punish Athens for helping the rebels -hoped to gain control of Greek mainland -in 492 BC, his forces conquered: -Thrace -Macedonia -in 490 BC, the Persians invaded Greece itself -the Athenians defeated the Persians -though the Athenians were outnumbered -in the Battle of Marathon -the Persians withdrew -an uneasy peace lasted for ten years (until 480 BC) -Xerxes, Darius' son: -led an army and fleet against Greece; this time several Greek city-states united to stop the Persians -Persians had to advance through narrow mountain pass of Thermopylae -small force led by 300 Spartans met Persians there -held the pass for 3 days -Persians found another way through the mountains -surrounded the Greeks -Spartans refused to surrender -though greatly outnumbered -fought until they were all killed -Spartans' courage bought time -for the other city-states to prepare their forces -at the Battle of Thermopylae -Persians marched toward Athens -Themistocles, Athens' leader: - told the Athenians to leave the city to escape -Xerxes army entered Athens and destroyed it -Themistocles' trick: -tricked Xerxes into attacking the Athenian fleet (in the narrow Salamis Strait) -Persian navy was larger and less navigatable than the Greek ships -the Greeks sank much of the Persian ships -In 479 BC, the Athenians and the Spartans joined forces: -to defeat the Persians -at Plataea (northwest of Athens) -ending the Persian Wars RESULTS OF THE PERSIAN WAR: -Persians: -meddled in Greek affairs -worked to prevent Greek unity -continued to threat Greeks with an invasion -Greeks: -success gave confidence -unity among the Greek city-states seemed necessary for survival -Athens: -rebuilt city -entered a period of great cultural achievement -began to create its own empire in the Aegean Sea -more successful than Sparta in leadership to unity -by using diplomacy -to form the Delian League -alliance of city-states with Athens as its leader -eventually included 140 other city-states -who each contributed -money or ships -money was kept on the island of Delos (which is were Delian is derived from) -by the 450s BC, Athens built an empire based on the Delian League -Sparta: -wanted Greek unity under its own leadership -however, fear of helot revolt stopped troops from going far for long

What are the release dates for Against the Elements - 2009 Escape Her Wrath 1-2?

Against the Elements - 2009 Escape Her Wrath 1-2 was released on: USA: 25 February 2009