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Q: In which order Geographic isolation allopatric speciation reproductive isolation occurs?
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Allopatric speciation requires?

geographic isolation.

What is the type of evolution by which organisms evolve differences when they are isolated in different environments?

Allopatric speciation.Allopactric speciation. Geographic isolation. Adaptive radiation can also result from geographic isolation.

What are the types of isolation the can lead to speciation?

reproductive, behavioral, geographic, and temporal

What are the two main types of isolation?

That would be geographic isolation and reproductive isolation. Both could lead to speciation.

What is the is the first step in allopatric speciation?

physical isolation of two populations

What is another name for geographic isolation?

allopatric separation

How is speciation and reproductive isolation related?

Reproductive isolation is a type of speciation. Reproductive isolation is when a species divides forming two subspecies, due to different mating periods.

Speciation that results from geographical isolation that leads to reproductive isolation?

Allopactric ( other country ) speciation.

The formation of new species Can result from what?

Mutation, isolation and natural selection. Google allopatric speciation.

Geographic and reproductive isolation are most closely associated with?

Speciation. Geographic isolation occurs when a population is divided by a physical barrier, leading to the development of distinct species over time. Reproductive isolation refers to barriers that prevent individuals from different populations from successfully mating and producing viable offspring.

How are spec spec creation and reproductive isolation related?

How are speciation and reproductive isolation relator

The formation of a new species can result from what?

Mutation, isolation and natural selection. Google allopatric speciation.