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Sea anemone

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Q: In which plant does the clown fish swim without getting stung?
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Related questions

What are adaptations of a clown fish?

They have specially adapted so they can live in sea anemones without getting stung. This provides protection from predators and the clown fish helps the anemone get food by gathering up food.

How do elf owls eat scorpions without getting stung?

Well the Elf Owl doesn't get stung.

How do birds eat wasps without getting stung?

Birds are able to eat wasps without getting stung because they crush the stinger with their beak. They do this before the wasp has a chance to sting them.

I got stung by a thorny plant any idea what it could be?

Well Stung Might not be a plant maybe there was a bee on the plant that made you get stung. But Roses are a thorny plant.

What is the symbiotic relationships between a clownfish and sea anemone?

Clown fish live among the anemone's tentacles without getting stung because it chases off fish that might try to eat the anemone. In return, the clown fish gets to dart among the anemone's tentacles when threatened. The clown fish is not hurt but the hunter will be if it touches the tentacles. So they both protect each other and both benefit.,

Why do other fish get stung buy the clown fish coral?

because their not clow fish texture

Symbiotic relationships in the ocean?

Clown fish and sea anemone; the clown fish isn't stung by the anemone and makes its home in the anemone while when the clown fish is eating the anemone gets all the leftovers

How does a clownfish avoid being stung by its anemone?

The clown-fish blends with the orange colours at the bottom of the sea or ocean.

What the adaptation for clown fish?

the reason why is because they can go into Sea anemones and they will kill all other fish that go into it but because the clown fish protects the Sea anemone then it will not hurt it so it's adapted to life in the Sea anemone

Grasp it light and you are stung grasp it hard and you are not what is it?

A nettle Plant

What are some adaptations of an orange clown fish?

Bright colours state authority. Immune to the sting of an anemone making a safe shelter for a clownfish to hide from other predators as they cannot get inside the anemone without being stung

How does a turtle eat a jellyfish without being stung?

They do get stung, but their skin is so thick it doesn't affect them.