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plants don't release carbon into the air, they release oxygen in the day and carbon dioxide at night. They release oxygen created through photosynthesis and carbon dioxide created by cellular respiration.

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photosynthesis... THAnk u MR. OCH

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Q: What process does a plant go through to release carbon into the air?
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What does carbon dioxide play in plant life processes?

During Photosynthesis process the plant breaks the carbon dioxjde mollecule to carbon and oxygen. the plant uses the carbon as a nutrient and releases part of the oxygen to the air.

How does a carbon atom get from the atmosphere to a fossil fuel?

Fossil fuels were at one time living organisms (usually plants). The plants took in carbon dioxide from the air and then release oxygen. The carbon is stored in the plant. When the plant dies, the carbon stays in it, throughout the transformations it goes through to become a fossil fuel. When the fuel is burned, the carbon is release in the burning process, usually in the form of carbon dioxide.

The exchange of gases such as carbon dioxide and oxygen between the plant and the atmosphere?

is called respiration. Plants take in carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and release oxygen through small openings called stomata in their leaves. This process is vital for the plant's survival as it allows them to obtain the carbon dioxide needed for photosynthesis and release excess oxygen as a byproduct.

What is taken in from the atmosphere through leaves to make food for a plant?

carbon dioxide is taken in through the leaves and is then used in the process of photosynthesis to make food for the plant.

What are the two important gases that go in and out of the leaves?

In the process of photosynthesis, leaves take in carbon dioxide, converting the carbon in it to plant material, and release oxygen

The process of photosynthesis produces?

Simply put...... energy for the plant to survive.

Is CO2 given off during photosynthesis?

Plants absorb carbon dioxide by photosynthesis. They release carbon dioxide, usually at night, through respiration.Photosynthesis is a process that uses the energy of light (photo-) to fuel the conversion of carbon dioxide and water into sugars that can then be converted into plant material (-synthesis) as well as releasing oxygen. In the process of converting the sugars created by photosynthesis into other plant material, plants consume some oxygen and release carbon dioxide. This is particularly noticeable at night or when light is low and hence photosynthesis is not occurring. This process where they release carbon dioxide instead of taking it in is known as respiration. In general, the plants release more oxygen during photosynthesis than they consume in respiration and likewise consume more carbon dioxide in photosynthesis than they release in respiration.

What are stomata?

Carbon Dioxide enters the plant through small openings on the undersides of the leaves called stomata.

What gas is giving off by a plant in sunlight?

Carbon Dioxide, or CO2, through the process of photosynthesis.Water + Carbon Dioxide =(energy)= Glucose + Oxygen

How do forest supply oxygen to the atmosphere?

Via a plant's process of making food called photosynthesis. Every plant takes in carbon dioxide, water, sun, and nutrients, makes it's food, and expells oxygen.

Where does a plant get the glucose it needs?

It manufactures it from minerals in the soil and energy from the sun and carbon dioxide in the air through a process called photosysthesis.

When do plant give off oxygen?

Photosynthesis. Using the sun�s energy green plants convert carbon dioxide and water into simple sugars and oxygen. Along with carbon dioxide, plants also need water, which is gathered by the plant�s roots, to make food through the process of photosynthesis. The stomata allows oxygen to be released through this process. This oxygen is an important exchange for all living things. Plants take in the carbon dioxide and give off the oxygen that we need in order to breathe.