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REM or Rapid Eye Movement. You sleep in cycles, moving from lighter to deeper sleep and back. A sleep cycle lasts about 90 minutes, with REM occurring toward the end of each cycle. The REM stage gets a little longer in each cycle; you may only dream for a few seconds in the first sleep cycle, and for a large percentage of the last cycle of the night.

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Q: In which stage of sleep do you dream?
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Why cant you snore and dream?

Different stage of sleep. Dreams happen in REM sleep.

What stage of sleep is insomnia?

none. if you can not sleep then you suffer from insomnia. The most restful sleep comes during the R.E.M. stage known as rapid eye movement. This is the stage you dream in. It takes about 2 hours to reach REM sleep.

Do people with sleep apnea always snore at night?

Yes they do. People with Sleep Apnea often have a decrease in stage REM therefore they may not dream as often. REM sleep is often considered our dream stage. It is also our restorative sleep. Just because you don't remember your dreams doesn't mean that you did not dream. If you wake during REM stage you will remember what you were just dreaming. If you do not wake during REM but wake in a different stage of sleep (example stage 3) then you probably won't remember having a dream.

What is hypnagogic sensation?

It is similar to the feeling of a "falling dream" when stage one of sleep is reached. Hypnagogia is the point between wakefulness and sleep.

How do you know when someones in an rem sleep?

You will know when someone is in REM sleep when there eyes-lids are moving really fast back and forward. REM sleep is a sleep that is after your first 4 stages of sleep and is the stage of sleep that you dream.

Is it true that your eyelids flicker when you dream?

It's called rapid eye movement. Your eyeballs are moving around which gives the impression of your eyelids flickering. This stage of sleep is REM> when you dream you go through 5 stages of sleep. You dream during every REM even if you do not remember it. Stage1 & 2 - You are asleep but not fully asleep. Stage 3 & 4 - You are in a deep sleep, your heart rates slows and breathing becomes shallow. REM (Stage 5)- You being to dream, brain is active, and eyes move about rapidly.

What does it mean when everything suddenly goes black in a dream?

When everything goes black in a dream means nothing other than the dream is ending and your mind is passing into a different stage of sleep.

What time of the night do you dream?

In stage five of your sleep cycle, which is about 90 minutes after we go to sleep, and the cycle repeats throughout the night. So about every 90 minutes.

What does it mean to wake up from a dream then go back to sleep and into the same dream to finish it?

This most often occurs when the dreamer has only partially woken up. The dream continues because the continuity of that particular sleep stage was not entirely interrupted. See link below for more information.

What is included in a polysomnography study?

The polysomnography study includes measurements of heart rate, airflow at the mouth and nose, respiratory effort, sleep stage (light sleep, deep sleep, dream sleep, etc.), and oxygen level in the blood.

Can you dream in your sleep?

Yes you can I dream in my sleep all the time.

What is the deepest stage of sleep?

The deepest stage of sleep is REM or Rapid Eye Movement.