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Anything liquid

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Q: In which state of matter are the particles of matter farthest apart?
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What state matter has particles flying about wildly?

Particles in a gas are not connected and move freely.

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What is the state of matter where particles are far apart and move very fast called?

A gas.

What state of matter do particles spread apart to fill the available space?

Gaseous states of matter spread apart to fill the shape and the volume of the container which holds them.

What state of matter has no definite shape or volume and whose particles have been broken apart?


What state of matter is spread apart and not connected?

well liquid and gas are spread apart but the one that is spread apart and not connaected is gas which has particles that move fastly and freely.

If the particles of matter that make up a substance are relatively far apart and can move freely the substance is in a state.?

This is a gas.

If the particles of matter that make up a substance relatively far apart and can move freely the substance is in a state?

This is a gas.

Which is measure of how closely particles are packed together?

The measurement of how closely particles are packed together is usually by state of matter. Gasses are measured as have particles that are further apart than liquids or solids for example.

What depends upon how close the individual particles are together?

The state of matter depends on the closeness of the particles. Gases have particles that are very far apart and solids are close together. This is determined by the strength of attraction of these particles to one another.

What particles that make up matter are in a state of?

Particles that make up matter are in a state of constant motion.

Is air consider the farthest particles?

The property of being a gas (or, more generally, air) implies that molecules within a compound are the farthest apart they can get without entering into the plasma state (i.e. electrons are so energized that they leave their parent atoms from within the gas).