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combustion and expansion

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Meta Hirthe

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Q: In which step of the four-stroke engine cycle does the heat from the combustion reaction causes the pistons to move?
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What is meant combustion?

Combustion is a chemical reaction that typically involves oxygen and a fuel source, resulting in the release of heat and light. It is an exothermic reaction in which the fuel is oxidized, producing combustion products like carbon dioxide, water, and other byproducts. Combustion is a fundamental process in many industrial and natural processes, from burning fossil fuels for energy to fire in nature.

Why the reaction of decomposition nitroglycerine occurs rather than combustion when a bomb containing nitroglycerine explodes on impact?

The decomposition of nitroglycerine occurs in a bomb explosion rather than combustion because the reaction is rapid and uncontrollable, releasing heat and gases at a faster rate than combustion. This rapid release of energy causes an explosive shock wave that shatters the container and creates the destructive force associated with explosions.

Is it a lighting a candle a chemical?

Yes, lighting a candle involves a chemical reaction. When the flame touches the wick, it causes the wax to melt and vaporize, which then reacts with oxygen in the air to produce heat, light, water vapor, and carbon dioxide. This chemical reaction is known as combustion.

Which exothermic reaction causes the temperature to rise in the blast furnace in reduction of hematite using coke in the blast furnace?

The exothermic reaction that causes the temperature to rise in the blast furnace during the reduction of hematite using coke is the combustion of carbon (C) in coke with oxygen (O2) to produce carbon dioxide (CO2) and release heat energy. This reaction helps maintain the high temperatures necessary for the reduction of hematite to iron.

How does heat fuel and oxygen make a fire?

In a fire, heat causes the fuel to release gases. The oxygen in the air then combines with these gases, creating a chemical reaction called combustion. This reaction produces heat and more gases, which sustain the fire as long as there is a continuous supply of heat, fuel, and oxygen.

Related questions

What causes the crankshaft to move?

The pistons, which in turned are moved by the expansion of gases caused by the combustion of fuel.

What causes an increase of speed in a combustion reaction?

An increase in temperature, pressure, or concentration of reactants can cause an increase in speed in a combustion reaction. This provides more energy to break the bonds and allows the reaction to proceed faster.

What does oxygen react with that causes an combustion?


What burns quickly and powers vehicles?

Petroleum distillates. Gas causes a combustion reaction in cars to produce energy.

How are explosions different from other chemical reactions?

Explosions are rapid, violent chemical reactions that release a large amount of energy in a short period of time, causing a sudden increase in pressure and volume. In contrast, other chemical reactions typically occur at a slower rate and do not result in the sudden release of energy and pressure associated with explosions.

What is meant by the term internal combustion engine?

An internal combustion engine is where the pistons open up, gas goes in them and then they close. The pressure causes an explosive reaction from the gas. That reaction moves the piston up and down. The piston is connected to the transmission and drive train. The transmission is connected to the wheels and when the piston moves the transmission moves and so on. When the piston opens up again, the old gas leaves through the exhaust pipe and new gas goes into the piston repeating the cycle over and over again.

What causes the forward motion of a rocket?

The force of the combustion pushes on the interior of the rocket. The combustion releases through the rear exhaust, causing the rocket to move forward.

What causes oil in the exhaust?

Broke rings on pistons

Explain why complete combustion is desirable?

Complete combustion is desirable because it produces carbon dioxide and water vapor, which are less harmful to the environment compared to incomplete combustion products like carbon monoxide and particulate matter. It also results in more energy being extracted from the fuel due to higher efficiency, reducing waste and increasing the efficiency of the combustion process.

What are the causes of combustion?

Heat, an oxidant and a fuel.

What are causes of combustion?

Heat, an oxidant and a fuel.

What is it that makes a car engine work?

Combustion is the chemical reaction that causes a car engine to work. It is produced by fuel combining with oxygen which causes pressure and heat to turn the crankshaft of the engine. This essentially gets all of the parts of the engine moving.