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If you have a bee hive, you are a beekeeper, so join your local beekeeping group and you won't have to ask questions on this site.

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Q: In your beehive there are a lot of dead bees on the get of hive?
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Where do you find a lot of bees in one place?


Bees do what?

they collect pollen from flowers and take it to there hive to make honey

Small tree outside the backdoor in your garden and have noticed a lot of bees round and flying in and out do you think that there is a hive in it you have a phobea about bees so if there is a hive in?

Yea it sounds like you have a bee hive... You can contact a local pest/bug control place and some will take care of it for you

What insects kill honey bees and why?

When their natural food supplies dry up, wasps can be hungry enough to raid a honey bee hive in order to get to the honey stores. An individual wasp will easily be repelled by the guard bees, but a concerted attack by a large number of wasps can succeed in gaining entry and the result will be a lot of dead bees -- and dead wasps.

How do honey bees get honey?

Honey bees get honey by sucking nectar out of plants. In the hive, this nectar is converted to honey. Different bees make different honey, so as you can imagine, there are a lot of different kinds of honey.

What types of bees are there in a single hive?

There is only one 'type' of bee in a hive; all are the direct descendants of the queen. All are genetically, brothers or sisters, except for the single queen. ( The males are for sexual purposes only, and then somewhere else; that is, they leavethe hive, and don't have a whole lot to do but breed once, if lucky, and then die, otherwise, they just die.) Any other bee who enters the hive will be either killed or wish that she were dead. It's what one could call a matrilineal society. And you really have to be close kin to even get in the door. The entire hive, except for the queen, who is hidden away and the primary contenuied existence of the hive, willl rush to defend against another 'type' of bee entering the hive. All would die guarding the enterance to the hive; with bees ever last one will go to the matresses for the hive. Except the queen of course, who just never really knows what is going on after she got started laying eggs. Bees are social insects; that's totally diffierent from social animals.

Do mice get in hives?

During summer, when the bees are active, any mouse trying to get in to a hive would be stung and driven off. In winter, when the weather is cold, the bees cluster together on the comb to keep warm and a mouse could then easily enter a hive where it could do a lot of damage. To prevent this, beekeepers put mouse guards over the hive entrance. These are (usually) metal strips which have holes large enough for the bees to get through but too small for a mouse to get through. The mouse guards are removed when the weather gets warmer in the spring.

Do bee's fly at night?

Bees do not typically fly at night due to the fact they navigate by the sun. If there is a full moon on a clear night or a lot of lights on in a house near to where a colony of bees lives, the worker bees will attempt to work. Bees want to work, so if they since there is daylight by which to work - they will work.

How do you deal with dark smallish bees that have taken up residence in the base of a compost bin?

Those are probably native bees! How exciting! I wish I had some here! They are quite docile. I would just leave them alone. They aren't "hive" bees; they are loners, so they shouldn't cause you a lot of problems with taking over.

How do you know if you are being chased by a honey bee or killer bee?

A honey bee will only pursue you for a short distance.. they just want you away from their hive. Killer bees are a lot more spiteful, and will continue after you.

What a lot of wasps is called?

A hive or swarm

How do honey bees spread in hot climate area?

They build their nests quite a distance away from other colonies but close enough to a central food source. Bees themselves generate a lot of heat and it's essential to their survival that they keep their queen cool by fluttering their wings to fan the hive.