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Checks and balances is the system whereby each branch of the government exercises some control over the others.

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Q: In your own word describe what is mean by ''Checks and Balances'' in American government?
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What were the checks and balances during 1974?

Checks and balances were set up by the American constitution to ensure no one branch of government could become too powerful.

What is the reason for Checks and Balances?

Checks and balances allow the branches of government to equalize power. Without checks and balances, one branch of government could become too powerful.

What is the system by which each branch of government could delay or stop an action taken by one of the other branches?

checks and balancesIt is a system of checks and balances.

Controls given to one branch of government to limit the power of another branch are known as what?

Checks and balances!Add me on myspace AmandaAmor!

Use checks and balances in a sentences?

Example sentence for the noun phrase 'checks and balances':The government uses checks and balances to separate the responsibilities of departments.

What keeps any one branch of government from gaining to much power?

checks and balances

What did critics say would be a result of Roosevelt's court packing plan?

It would disrupt the checks and balances of the government's branches

What stops one branch of government from becoming too powwerful?

wqhat stops one branch of government from having too much power?

Why is checks and balances important?

Checks and balances was created so no branch of government would become to powerful.

How does the system of checks and balances affect the government?

The system of checks and balances affects the branches of government by ensuring that each of the 3 branches of government are equal in power. The system of checks and balances, both checks, and limits the power of the 3 branches of government to ensure that each branch of government doesn't become to powerful.

The us government is a system of checks and?


What stops one branch from from being to powerful?

The US government has a system of checks and balances.