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Q: Inauguration Day is always held on January 20 unless it falls upon which day of the week?
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Is the inauguration always on the 3rd Tuesday of January?

Yes unless it falls on a Sunday.

Is the presidential inauguration always January 20?

Yes. If January 20 falls on a Sunday however, the president elect is still sworn into office in a private ceremony, and then a public ceremony the following day.

Were and what is the date of the inaugural day for the president?

Inauguration Day falls on January 20 in Washington, D.C.

On what day of the year is Inuaguration Day?

Inauguration day is January 20, no matter which day of the week it falls on.

In the US what date is the Presidential Inauguration day?

AnswerThe date is January 20 unless that date falls on Sunday, in which case, the public inauguration ceremony is held the next day, but President is sworn in at noon on Sunday in a private ceremony.January 20, 2009 as the 20th amendment states- January 20th at noon.It's the day when the soon to be president takes an oath promising to do what is right for the will of the people and the country after the oath he/she becomes president.Which is January 20th. The same date every year.the US Constitution prescribes it take place on the 20th of January regardless of what day of the week it falls on.January 20th

What was the month and day of Bush's inauguration was it on January 21 also?

George H.W. Bush's inauguration was on January 20, 1989. George W. Bush's first inauguration was on January 20, 2001, and his second was on January 20, 2005. The inaugural celebration is held on the 21st only when the 20th falls on a Sunday. Since Inauguration Day was moved to January 20 in 1937, that has happened only three times, in 1957 (affecting Dwight D. Eisenhower), in 1985 (affecting Ronald Reagan), and in 2013 (affecting Barack Obama). The next time will be in 2041.

What day is inauguration day celebrated?

Inauguration day is a day that marks the beginning of something, usually a new administration of a government agency, university or other organization. It features the swearing in , or other ceremony, to put in place a new leader. For US presidents, Inauguration Day is on January 20 of the year after the election, held every 4 years.

If January 20 is on a Sunday when is the President inaugurated?

If January 20th falls on a Sunday in an Inauguration year, typically the President will be sworn in privately on that day and take the oath of office again in public the following Monday.

Why was one of the presidents not inaugurated on January 20?

Until Franklin Roosevelt's second term, all of the presidents were inaugurated on March 4. Since then, if January 20 falls on Sunday, the big inauguration ceremony is held the next day.

What day of the week inauguration falls on?

you think i know i wanted the awnser but i think it falls into 1991 on march 16 your welcome

What day was Australia day in 2009?

Australia Day is always January 26th. In 2009, it falls out on a Monday.

How many weekend days in 2007?

Not always what you might expect, it ranges between 104 and 106 depending on if it is a leap year and the date of the first Saturday in January. For normal years if Saturday falls on the 1st or 7th January there are 105, on leap years if Saturday falls on the 1st January there are 106 and if it falls on the 7 January there are 105. There are 104 at all other times