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Q: Increased uptake at apex of scoliosis?
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What is increased uptake in medical terms?

Increased uptake in medical terms refers to an increase in the absorption or utilization of a substance by the body. This can refer to the uptake of nutrients, medications, or other substances that are essential for health and functioning.

What does radiotracer uptake mean?

There are several sites of 'increased radio tracer uptake... These are most intense in the low thoracic & lumbar spine, associated with the scoliotic curvature and degenerative change, likely explanatory in that regard... Minor asymmetry with respect to the uptake seen in bone of the anterior ... & seen in some of the left rib functions ,,,,with costochondral cartilage ...uncertain whether this relates to the positioning created by the scoliosis. ...There is a small focus of increased uptake in the mid cervical spine to left of midline, likely degenerative. ...There is uptake at both wrists and to lesser extent, both shoulders. ...that distribution likely degenerative related. ...There is a tiny focus in a toe of the right foot, nonspecific. ...Elsewhere, radiotracer uptake appears physiologic. IMPRESSION: Multiple sites of increased radiotracer uptake, as described. This distribution is either characteristic degenerative change to include especially the lumbar spine. Nonspecific focus in a right toe. Otherwise, none of these sites would be considered especially suspicious for metastasis.

After world war 2 what happened to the population in the cities and suburbs?

the answer is increased

Which was not a result of the baby boom that followed world war ii answers APEX?

more women had to get second jobs.

What does persistent diffuse uptake mean on a bone scan?

There is an increased level of metabolic activity of the bone throughout the body.

After World War II population in the cities and suburbs?

increased -apex

What is an effect of the reduction in bird populations?

Apex-Increased insect populations

What does physiological increased uptake mean in a bone scan?

There is metabolic activity in the bone at levels expected through normal (physiologic) processes.

Who treats scoliosis?

You should always deal with a competent surgeon for scoliosis, your first point of call would be your GP/Dr who would then refer you to see a surgeon who will take x-rays and evaluate treatment

How did tobacco farming change settlements at Jamestown?

It increased the demand for labor.~apex

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Increased productivity apex 😄

What is the lateral curvation of the spine called?

That is called a scoliosis. You can remember the 'S' shaped spine of Scoliosis.