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Information taken directly from an existing classified source and stated verbatim in a new or different document is an example of ______

  • Restating
  • Extracting
  • Generating
  • Paraphrasing
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Q: Information taken directly from an existing classified source and stated verbatim in a new or different document is an example of?
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Information taken directly from an existing classified source and stated verbatim in a new or different document is an example of ______ Restating Extracting Generating Paraphrasing

Information taken directly from an existing classified source and stated verbatim in a new or different document is an example of ______?



taking information directly from an authorized source of classification guidance and stating it verbatim in a new or different document

What is derivitive classification?

Derivative classification is the process of creating new classified information based on existing classified information. It involves incorporating or paraphrasing classified information into a new document, often with a lower level of classification.

What is The difference between an original and derivative classified document?

Original classified document will have a classified by and a reason line and a derivative classified document will have a classified by and a derived from line

The difference between an original and derivative classified document is?

Original classified document will have a classified by and reason line and a derivative classified document will have a classified by and derived from line

Information taken from an existing classified source and generated into another form or medium?

The act of taking information from a classified source and transforming it into a different format or medium, such as summarizing a report from a classified document into a presentation or infographic for public consumption. This process involves carefully ensuring that the original sensitive information is protected and does not compromise security.

A properly marked source document contains some Secret information. A new document does not contain the same information. However, the information in the new document will allow a reader to deduce the classified information. This is an example of the conc?

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When derivative classifiers incorporate classified information from existing content into a new document?

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derivative classifiers incorporate classified information from existing content into a new document

Does derivative classification also consists of photocopying or printing classified or emailing a classified attachment?

Derivative classification refers to the process of creating new classified information from existing classified information. It involves applying the appropriate classification markings to a document or material. The act of photocopying, printing, or emailing a classified attachment is not considered derivative classification, but rather the handling or dissemination of classified information. These actions must still adhere to proper security protocols and safeguards.

What is the primary source for derivative classification?

The primary source for derivative classification is the original classified source document that contains the information to be classified. Derivative classification involves incorporating or paraphrasing classified information from these source documents into new documents.