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Q: Insanity is repeating the same thing over and over and expecting a different result?
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When did Albert Einstein say Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result?


What is the sign of a crazy person?

There is no single sign of insanity. As with all illnesses there are varying symptoms."The definition of insanity is: Doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result."- Albert Einstein

Did Einstein say insanity is doing things the same way but expecting a different result?

Rita Mae Brown wrote that phrase in her book "Sudden Death" in 1983. Most people attribute that quote to Albert Einstein, but he actually did not say that.

What does 'insane is doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results' mean?

A rational person would, after repeating same actions once or twice and obtaining a constant result, form the conclusion that those actions always give that particular result. It is therefore suggesting that, if someone does the actions again and again and does not believe they will give the same result, they cannot be rational and are therefore insane.

What happens when other scientists achieve different result when repeating an investigation?

They will need to keep redoing it until everyone has the same answer

Should you remarry your ex wife?

Dude!!!!!! Are you crazy!? NO WAY!! Almost always, this is making the same mistake twice and expecting a different result.

What does this quote mean insanity is doing the same things over and over and expecting the different results?

This quote suggests that repeating the same actions while hoping for a different outcome is illogical and counterproductive. It highlights the importance of trying new approaches or strategies to achieve a different result instead of persisting with the same unsuccessful methods.

Why is there value to knowing why something is done instead of just how it is done?

It is important to know why you are doing something so that you know if it even needs to be done. Knowing the result you expect adds value, because the definition of insanity is expecting change even though you are doing the same thing over and over.

How do you spell hopefull?

The correct spelling of the adjective is hopeful(optimistic, or expecting a result).

What is the definition of insanity?

La définition de la folie peut varier en fonction des contextes et des perspectives. De manière générale, la folie est souvent associée à une altération de l'état mental qui se manifeste par des comportements, des émotions et des pensées considérés comme anormaux ou déviants par rapport à la norme sociale. Il convient toutefois de noter que les termes "folie" ou "maladie mentale" ont souvent été utilisés de manière stigmatisante et discriminatoire envers les personnes souffrant de troubles psychiques. De nos jours, de nombreux professionnels de la santé mentale préfèrent utiliser des termes tels que "troubles psychiques" ou "troubles mentaux" pour décrire ces conditions et éviter ainsi toute forme de stigmatisation ou de discrimination.

What can repeating a experiment cause to the result of the experiment?

all know is that it would be a fair test

What is the purpose of repeating an experiment several times?

so you can get the same result and to prove your hyphothosis