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Rita Mae Brown wrote that phrase in her book "Sudden Death" in 1983. Most people attribute that quote to Albert Einstein, but he actually did not say that.

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Q: Did Einstein say insanity is doing things the same way but expecting a different result?
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When did Albert Einstein say Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result?


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It is not appropriate to label someone as "crazy." If you are concerned about someone's mental health, it is important to approach the situation with care and empathy and encourage them to seek professional help.

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Dude!!!!!! Are you crazy!? NO WAY!! Almost always, this is making the same mistake twice and expecting a different result.

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The correct spelling of the adjective is hopeful(optimistic, or expecting a result).

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The Atom bomb.

What does it mean to do the same thing repeately but expecting a different outcome?

Some say, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing but expecting a different result. When you use the same thought process, same approach, maybe same system over and over again and still getting the same result, it's time to change the above mentioned. Kind of like if you were to get in your car....and make car noises but the car doesn't start. You really want the car to start, and day after day you go and sit in your car and make car noises. Stop and think, how else will this car start. Hmmmm. Maybe use the key, then the car will start. Another saying, there isn't one way to skin a cat....ouch...I know sounds terrible but basically the same idea. There are several methods you just have to keeping trying until you get your result you want. IF? You have tried everything including what everyone else even suggests then maybe it's time to find a new goal or different outcome. Be flexible because life isn't!

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You have a result you are expecting in mind. You are thanking the person or organisation etc in advance for this

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Albert Einstein

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John McCain will be almost 80 years old by then. Besides, he already lost against Obama. To do the same thing over and over again expecting a different result is the definition of insanity. McCain is the reason we have Obama right now. In 2012 you will be able to vote for a true small government Republican who can beat Obama.

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Albert Einstein died of an abdominal aortic aneurysm on April 18, 1955. His death was due to natural causes and not the result of foul play.

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There are several differences but the main difference is a successful plea of insanity will, in most states, result in a verdict of "not guilty" and commission of the defendant to a mental institution. Diminished capacity merely results in the defendant being convicted of a lesser offense.

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