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Q: Inside thermometer reads 75f outside reads 28c how much warmer is temperature outside?
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Would the temperature change on a thermometer if you hold it by the thermometer bulb?

Yes as your fingers are warmer than the air surrounding the thermometer bulb.

How do you put temperature in a sentence?

I cannot see what temperature the thermometer says it is. The temperature is supposed to be a bit warmer tomorrow.

If the ice cube is in the refigerator melt faster than an ice cube in room temperature?

No. Outside of the refrigerator is warmer than inside.

What outside temperature will cause air to flow out of a building?

Air will flow out of a building when the outside temperature is warmer.

Why does ice melt outside a refrigerator?

Temperature is usually warmer outside of the fridge.

Is Antarctica warmer on the inside or outside?

Antarctica's beaches are warmer than the interior of the continent.

How does a whole house fan cool an entire home?

It all depends on the way the fan is pushing the air. If the home is small enough a single fan can be put in a window facing inside overnight, and at times when the temperature is cold, to bring in the air from the outside. The fan can then be turned around to face the outside when the air outside the house is warmer than the inside of the house, basically sucking the warmer air outside.

Why does a candle burn faster outside then inside?

If it is warm outside, like in spring or summer, then it will burn faster because the environmental temperature is warmer, causing the candle to melt. When a candle is burned inside, it will not burn as fast because there is no extra push in melting it.

When interior cold-water pipes sweat it usually due to?

The ambient temperature is warmer on the outside of the pipe compared to the temperature generated from the cold water from inside the pipe. Same as a toilet sweating in the summer, same reason.

Is a fur coat warmer with the fur inside or outside?

Generally speaking, a coat made of fur is warmer when the fur is on the inside. See the related question for more information.

Why doesn't a coke can have moisture on the outside of the can while its in the fridge?

Because the temperature is the same inside and outside the can, moisture condenses on the outside once you take the can from the fridge into a warmer humid place, however this would not happen if you took the cold can to a place at least as cold as the fridge.

Quest about window AC unit can the temperature i have it set to be warmer that the temp outside but cooler than the temp inside my place ie 67 outside 82 inside ac at 76 is this okay?

Yes it`s ok. For a window unit outside temp does not matter. Thermostat operates according to the indoor heat load.