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YES! the period every 28 days is arbitrary. you may have some breakthrough bleeding when you continuously take the active pills but it is safe to do so and still provides effective birth control.

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Q: Instead of having my period can I go on to the next pack of pills?
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Could i just stop taking pills for four days then start a new pack so that my period starts on Sundays instead of thursdays?

If you want to change your pill date, you should start the next pack early, but should not skip active pills. Instead, you should skip placebo pills.

When should you expect your next period if you started your pills on the first day of your period and you've used 3 weeks of pills and are currently on the last day of your sugar pills?

You should expect your period to arrive on or before the last day of the sugar pills. But sometimes you can arrive the next week after your sugar pills. It takes a while for BCP to get used to your body. This could be why you havent gotten your period.

If you start the pill on the first day of your period when you have finished that pack do you immediately start the next one?

If you have finished with the pills and the faux pills, had your period, then you start the new set of pills after the last day of your period.

Is there a way to skip your period if your on birth control and it be safe?

Yes. Instead of taking the sugar pills just go straight to your next pack of pills. It is safe if not done all the time. I believe you can do this up to 3 times a year.

I recently came off the pill for good and would like my period in the next fw days can i take 2 or 3 birth control pills and then stop and will this make my period come?

Taking additional birth control pills will not give you any guarantee of the timing of your next period. You may having irregular bleeding or spotting in the first month after stopping the pill. Taking additional pills will just make the bleeding more likely.

How many days after do you get your period when taking white inactive pills do you have to finish the white inacative pills to get your period?

hi. My sugar pills start on a Wednesday and I usually get my period that Friday. Then it continues until Tuesday the next week.

If you forgot to take 3 pills and started your period then a week later spotted how long does it take for your next period to come?

Hiya! Your next period will come when you start your sugar pills. If it is late again do a pregnancy test to rule out pregnancy .

Do you have to take the full week of placebo pills or can you start the hormone pills part way through to stop your period?

You could start the hormones pills part way through the placebo pills to change the next month's cycle (say you would have your period on a Wednesday next month, instead of a Friday) but it would not affect the cycle you are currently on. When your uterine lining starts to shed, it sheds. For example, Yaz only has 4 placebo pills instead of 7, like some birth control brands. For many women on Yaz, they won't start their period until the last day of placebo pills. They will start their period on the last placebo and continue to have it through the first few days of the hormone pills.

I skipped a month of pills and not having a period can you start your pills that next month?

If you skipped a month of pills and have had unprotected sex you may be pregnant. You should talk to your doctor/gynecologist immediately about the situation and take a pregnancy test. Birth control pills only work when taken everyday at the same time.

What happens if you took your birth control backwords?

the pills you take when your having your piriod have nothing in them they are just sugar pills so if this did happen. you should keep taking your pills assigned for when you are off your period when your period starts stop taking them for 7 days and then start a new pack the right way. the only difference from starting backwards is that the first week did nothing for you and you were not protected from getting pregnant. a better option would probibly be to stop having sex and taking your pills wait until your next period and start the right way.

If you intentionally skipped your period while on the pill when can you expect your next period?

If you're using the combination pill then you don't get a period, instead you experience a withdrawal bleed as a result of a drop in synthetic hormones when going from your active to inactive pills. If you skipped your last withdrawal bleed this doesn't effect your next withdrawal bleed, you will get it as normal during your next placebo week.

I am going on holiday and due to be on my period can i take my pill to stop the bleed from coming?

yes you can just continue on to your next packet of your pills and have your period next month.