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Q: International tourism has had little effect on indigenous arts around the world true or false?
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What is the importance of international tourism?

The effect on the economy of the destination is one of the things of importance in international tourism. Many countries depend on the funds that result from international tourists.

How can tourism effect on tower of London?

Is this tourism or terrorism?

Differentaite of tourism from international trade describe the direct and secondary effect of tourist expenditures?

well you do not make since what you right so sorry I dont now

How does tourism effect Romania's country?

The tourism in Romania is not very profitable at the moment.

Direct and secondary effect in tourism?

direct and secondary effect

What is the effect of economic recession in the tourism industry?

I live in Guatemala on Lake Atitlan, an area who's major industry is tourism. The people here are hurting bad. The scam being perpetrated on the western world by those who run the international banks is effecting EVERYTHING, never mind tourism. Paz Duende

Disadvantages of domestic tourism?

Domestic tourism does have a few disadvantages. After all countries wont be spending thousands on attracting international tourists right? Here are someInternational tourism brings in foreign currency therefore obviously domestic tourism would mean that there is no foreign currency coming in!Domestic tourists won't spend much as an International tourist would (not inevitably anyways)IT can lead to a two tier system which would segregate the local tourists and international tourists.It could be harmful to the environment just as international tourism - It depends on the type of tourism but for instance taking the example of Mecca and pilgrimages. During the holy month of Ramadan and Eid, Thousands of Muslims visit Mecca which could effect the resources and over production of waste.

The positive effect of tourism in your society?

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Which was not an effect on the indigenous peoples of Australia of the british takeover?

the british shipped many of the indigenous peoples back to england

Social effect of tourism?

There are good and bad social effects of tourism. A good effect is that there will be money to spend on public facilities and festivals. A bad effect is that the city may become overcrowded and lead to increased crime.

What is the effect of terrorism in tourism industry of the Philippines?

well, one of the negative impact of terrorism in the tourism industry is the decline in the arrival of international tourists thus it severely affect the economy of the country.N o matter how beautiful a country is , tourists will not come in the Philippines because of their fear of the lunatic terrorists.

What are the effects of tourism on Botswana' economy?

Tourism has a positive effect on Botswana's economy. Tourism creates a surge of business for local shops, restaurants, and hotels. This is true of tourism in any country of the world.