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Thorium 231

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Q: Into what elements does uranium 235 decay?
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To what does plutonium-239 decay when it loses an alpha particle?

Yes, plutonium-239 emits alpha particles by decay.

What 2 radioactive elements were chosen for the atomic bomb?

Uranium and Plutonium

What is Radioactive decay of Uranium-235?

alpha, to Thorium-231

What is the half life of uranium - 235?

700 million years

The uranium-235 decay series begins with the emission of an alpha particle If the daughter decays by beta emission what is the resulting nuclide?

Uranium-235 will not beta decay first. If you google "Chart of Nuclides" you can follow the entire decay chain yourself using each isotope's most likely decay type.

What is the nuclear decay equation for plutonium 239?

The first step is an alpha decay to (guess what!) uranium 235. You can probably take it from there.

Is same product formed in fission of uranium 235?

After the nuclear fission of uranium-235 many fission products (other elements) are formed.

Can you get power from the radioactive element Uranium?

Yes, the radioactive decay of Uranium-235 is used to produce power in nuclear power plants.

Similarties between uranium-235 and plutonium-239 in nuclear reactors?

Uranium 235 and Plutonium 239 are fissile elements, fissionable with thermal neutrons.

Which two notations represent different isotopes of the same elements?

Example with the istope 235 of uranium: - 235 92U (recommended) or - U-235

Uranium-235 has a half-life of 700 million years. how long does it take a 100-gram sample of uranium-235 to decay to a mass of 50 grams?

700 million (more exactly 703,8.106) years

How did Pierre and Marie Curie discovered the presence of radioactive elements other than uranium?

Polonium and radium are discovered in wastes from uranium minerals, after uranium separation. The important radioactivity of these residues (without uranium) warned the two about the possible existence of other radioactive elements.