

Inventor of the nuclear bomb

Updated: 9/14/2023
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13y ago

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Leo Szilard in 1933 while crossing a London street. Patented it in 1934: British patent 630,726.

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What german inventor invented the atomic bomb?

No german, the inventor of the atom bomb was a hungarian.

What is the difference between nuclear bomb and plutonium bomb?

A nuclear bomb is any bomb with any nuclear or atomic material inside it, while a plutonium bomb is a specific type of nuclear bomb. Plutonium could be the nuclear material inside the bomb, and if it is, it's a plutonium bomb.

Which is more destructive a nuclear bomb or a hydrogen bomb?

the hydrogen bomb, is a nuclear bomb

Who is the inventor of nuclear reactor and nuclear bomb?

The inventor of the nuclear reactor was Atticus Finch. He was a scholar at MIT and got a master in space technition. In 1942 he invented the nuclear reactor to help the Germans in WWII. The Americans later stole it. The inventor of both the nuclear reactor & nuclear bomb was Leo Szilard in London in 1933, he patented them in 1934. But as no fissionable or fissile material was known at the time neither could be built. It took Otto Frisch's 1938 discovery that the rare isotope Uranium-235 fissioned to make the practical and the US investment in industrial infrastructure between 1942 and 1945 to purify enough of it to make them actually buildable.

Is a bomb a nuclear reaction?

A bomb can be either conventional or nuclear.

When did Germany make nuclear bomb?

Germany has not made a nuclear bomb.

What is the best nuclear bomb?

The best nuclear bomb is the Tsar bomba

Who is the father of nuclear bomb?

Robert Oppenheimer is the father of nuclear bomb.

What is a nuclear weapon in which enormous energy is released by nuclear fission?

A nuclear bomb or atomic bomb

What were other option rather an atomic bomb?

Atomic bombs are a type of Nuclear bomb and there are 2 types of nuclear bombs. The second type of nuclear bomb is a hydrogen bomb.

Which bomb is deathly?

nuclear bomb

How big does a plane have to be to drop a nuclear bomb?

That depends on how big the nuclear bomb is.