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States do not have specific laws addressing this.

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Q: Iowa Law for Consent Age to decide visits with other parent?
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Does the one parent need consent from other parent?

For what?

Can you move out of the country with your kids if you have legal and physical custody of them?

Not without consent of the other parent. In Michigan the Parent with custody has to live with in 80 miles of the other parent, or get written consent from the other parent and get that consent approved by the courts to live outside of that 80 miles.

Can you move in with other parent at age twelve in Ontario?

With the consent of the courts, then yes. You don't get to decide for yourself where you want to live until you're 18.

Can a parent take a child out of the country without the consent of the other parent And if they do will child support continue?

You cannot take a child out of the country without the consent of the other parent.

Can one parent allow medical information to be shared without consent of the other parent?

If the parents are married, yes. If one parent has sole custody that parent can consent.

Can a parent move their children from California to another state without the other parent's consent?

No they can not if any court has jurisdiction over the child or the other parent has visitation rights. In that case they need toe parent's consent and court approval.

Can a parent leave a state of South Carolina without consent from the other parent?

Yes as long as you are of adult age you can leave if you want. If you have the children with you you will most likely need their other parents consent.

Can one parent take a child out of the state of Texas without the consent of the other parent?

No, you will need the other parents and the courts permission.

Do you have the right to move out of state if you have physical and legal custody?

If the other parent have visitation rights you will need their consent as well as the courts.

If I have full custody am I obligated to provide transportation for visits with the other parent?

That is dependent on the court order.

Can a parent leave the country with children without consent from other parent?

In general, if both parents have legal custody rights, a parent typically needs the other parent's consent to leave the country with the children. If one parent leaves with the children without the other parent's consent, it could be considered parental abduction and legal action may be taken. It's important to consult with a family law attorney for specific advice based on the circumstances.

Can a parent revoke consent to move out of state after other parent has moved?

No. That would place an unfair burden on the parent who did the right thing and obtained consent prior to moving. However, you should consult with an attorney who can review the facts and explain your options.