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Yes, a betta is a tropical fish. Tropical fish all have different temperatures at which they do best at, but goldfish are coldwater fish. Coldwater fish come from from a variety of different temperatures as well, so yes there is a temperature difference. You could not keep goldfish and bettas together because of the temperature difference.

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Q: IsTheredifference in the temperature between goldfish and betta fish water?
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Can you put a betta with a goldfish?

Do not, no matter what put a goldfish and a betta together unless you want the goldfish to die!!!

Will a male betta fight with a goldfish?

You should not put a male betta with goldfish's.They are aggressive and will fight with goldfish's goldfish give off ammonia and will kill the Betta's.

What kind of Fish do not go with goldfish And betta fish?

Coldwater fish go with Goldfish (temperature under 70F). Tropical fish go with Bettas (temperature over 70F). Just make sure that you don't put any more than one Betta in a tank. So Bettas and tropicals don't go with Goldfish and vice versa.

Is a goldfish a betta fish?


Can you put one betta fish with one goldfish?

Betta fish are best as a solitary fish and are not compatible with goldfish.

Can you have a female betta and two goldfish in a 14 gallon tank?

No. A betta requires water between 80 and 86 degrees, while goldfish require water between 72 and 78. Also, there is not enough room for these fish in that tank. 2 goldfish should have a 20 gallon tank minimum to themselves.

Is Betta a breed of Goldfish?

No. They are entirely different species. Goldfish are a coldwater species of carp "Carassius auratus" and the Betta or Siamese fighter is a tropical anabantid "Betta splendens".

Can you breed a goldfish and betta together?


Can betta and goldfish mate?

No they can't.

What is the best type of fish to own?

goldfish. Definatly goldfish. Or betta

Does a betta need a filtered tank or would a goldfish bowl work?

they can live in goldfish bowls i have always kept my beta in a goldfish bowl and my last beta lived between 4-5 years in a goldfish bowl.

What type of goldfish are 3 inches?

the betta