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No. The sentence given is an imperative sentence, not an assertive sentence.

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Q: Is 'Judge a man by his words not his actions' an assertive sentence?
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Who said Judge a man by his actions not his words?


How to make sentences actions speak louder than word?

To make your actions speak louder than words, focus on demonstrating through behaviors rather than just speaking about it. Consistently follow through on your promises, act with integrity and authenticity, and let your behavior reflect your values and intentions. Remember, actions have the power to convey sincerity and build trust more effectively than words alone.

How do you make a sentence with intergity?

To create a sentence with integrity, ensure it is honest, accurate, and reflects your values or principles. Use clear language that conveys truthfulness and sincerity in what you are communicating.

Give sentence of the idiom actions speak louder than words?

Someone's actions demonstrate their true intentions or feelings more clearly than what they say.

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My teacher gave me an assignment to write about the rising actions in the book.

Can you use catalyst in a sentence?

Her words were the catalyst for my sudden, yet, percise actions.

What is rernelizing sentene?

The proper terms are kernelizing sentences. Kernelizing sentences is the usage of words without adding modifiers. The sentence becomes straight forward, simple, and assertive.

Can you make a sentence with oblivion?

Let the rest of her words and actions be buried in eternal oblivion.

What is the verb for this sentence The cat will scratch the rug?

The verb in the sentence is scratch.Verbs are actions or "doing" words. To scratch something is an action.

How can you put the word actions into a sentence?

Actions speak louder than words. You need to take responsibility for your actions. Because of the actions of a few misbehaving students, the entire class was punished. I regret my actions and I'm sorry for the pain I have caused.

How to Make sentence with action speaks louder than words?

You have to prepare for what your opponents could do, not what they'll do because actions speak louder than words.

How do you use the word sentence in a sentence?

Sentence can mean the words in a written construction, or a court-ordered punishment for a crime.Example : "You can usually tell if a sentence is poorly written when it cannot be spoken aloud in a natural way."Example : "The robber was given a lengthy sentence by the judge."The sentence that the girl wrote was filled with misspelled words and improper grammar.