

Is 100 K or 100 C or 100 F lowest?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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10y ago

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100K, as 0 Kelvin is absolute zero (the coldest temperature known to man)

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Q: Is 100 K or 100 C or 100 F lowest?
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A students lists three temperature measurements 100 F 100 C and 100 k. of the three measurements 100 k is the highest temperature?

No. 100 C is the highest, then is 100 F, and 100 K is the lowest.

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212 f and 373 k apex Travis : )

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Why don't you tell us? I bet you know... -_-

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Absolute Zero = 0 K = −273.15°C = −459.67°F

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They are all the same temperature, i.e. the boiling point of water at standard pressure.Except the "100 f" should be "100 c".

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100 degrees Celsius is the highest temperature. 100F is 37.8 C and 310.7K. 100C is 237.6F and 373K. 100K is -173C and -253.8F. So 100C is the highest temperature.

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f f f f f f u u u u c c c c k k k k

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Absolute zero is 0 K, -273.15 C and -459.67 F

100 kelvin to Celsius?

100 kelvin = -173.15 degrees Celsius.