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A urine sample home-test should be 89.6 - 98.6 Fahrenheit (32-37 Celsius).

If the pee is too hot or too cold, the test will be deemed invalid and the test will show blank (N/A). This will cause whoever is demanding you to take the test, to know that you either faked it with someone's urine, that is not yours.

(You can explain this by "I have a fever" for example)

With a test at your local doctors they will use the same method as in the home-test, whilst in bigger cases it will be sent for deeper research in a laboratory.

(For example deeming if your statement of being affected by drugs while murdering a man, is valid or non-valid)

Here the temperature the urine is at any point of time, won't be necessary to think about.

Hope this helped you.

Best of luck with whatever law your thinking about breaking!

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20h ago

Yes, a temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit is considered too hot for a urine sample. Normal body temperature is around 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, so a urine sample that is significantly warmer could indicate potential tampering or contamination.

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