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yesish... more like 15

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Q: Is 10 breaths per miniute normal?
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Related questions

What is the normal respiration rate of a cow?

The normal resting respiration rate of a calf is 15-40 breaths per minute. The normal respiration rate for a mature cow/bull is 10-30 breaths per minute.

How much does a horse temperature rise when the horse is dehydrated?

Anything over 101 is cause for concern. Anything over 103 you should hose the horse down to get it's temp down. Horse vitals are temp 99.8-101.3 respirations (breathing) 8-10 breaths per miniute pulse 38-40 beats per miniute. If any of these are over call your vet.

What is the range of normal of the respiration?

For an adult at a resting rate, 12 to 20 breaths per minute is considered to be the normal range. This obviously increases if you are exercising or exerting yourself.

What is the normal breathing rate in an an adult man at rest?

12 to 20 breaths per minute

What is the normal respiration rate for adults?

For adults it is only 12 breaths per minute when relaxed. Other older textbooks often say even smaller values (e.g., 8-10 breaths per minute). Most modern adults breathe much faster at about 15-20 breaths per minute

How many breaths should you do each minute?

Newborns: Average 44 breaths per minuteInfants: 20-40 breaths per minutePreschool children: 20-30 breaths per minuteOlder children: 16-25 breaths per minuteAdults: 12-20 breaths per minuteAdults during strenuous exercise 35-45 breaths per minuteAthletes' peak 60-70 breaths per minute

How many times an adult breathes in one min?

normal is about 10-20 breaths per minute. If faster or slower, see a doctor

How many respirations per minute is normal for an 8 week old puppy?

normal heart rate is 70-110 resotry is 20 pulse rate is 70

What is high respirations?

Fast breaths. Normal respirations are 12-20 breaths/minute. High is 24+ and low is 10-

How many breaths per minute for an 10 year old?

10 year olds can breath about 30 breaths per minute or lower when they are calm (not active just normaly).

What are the normal signs of health in a horse including normal temperature pulse and respiration?

The heart is 28-44 beats per minute, they respire at 10-24 breaths per minute, and a normal temperature is 37.2-38.3°C for an adult, or 37.5-38.9°C for a child.

What is the respiratory rate of the normal healthy person?

Normal respiratory rate reported in a healthy adult varies from source to source: between 12 to 20 breaths per minute[1], between 10-14,[2], between 14-18[3], etc. (With such a slow rate, it is best to count the number of breaths over a full minute for accuracy.)