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If you are talking ESR or sed rate then yes it is very high As it is normally 20 in women and 10 in men.

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Q: Is 110 a high number for inflammation?
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What does high inflammation indicate in rheumatoid arthritis?

It indicates that it is active and steps should be taken to reduce the inflammation in order to reduce tissue damage.

What a sudden change in erythrocyte sedimentation rate mean?

Osinophils are a type of white blood cell usually representing less than 8% of the total white blood cell population. The number of these cells (eosinophil count) with illnesses, such as allergies, asthma, Addison's disease, sarcoidosis, parasite infections, drug reactions, and connective tissue diseases (like rheumatoid arthritis and scleroderma). A high ESR means that there is some sort of inflammation in the system. The ESR is not a test designed to pinpoint the reason for the inflammation. However a high eoeinophil count could explain the high ESR.

What does a chronically high sedimentation rate indicate?

A high sedimentation rate (ESR) indicates inflammation in the body somewhere. The sedimentation rate wil not indicate the cause of the inflammation. However a chronic sedimentation rat can indicate an Autoimmune problem like rheumatoid arthritis.

Is it dangerous to have high Erythrocyte sedimentation rate?

A raised ESR indicates that there is inflammation in the system somewhere It will not tell you where the inflammation is or what is causing it. If a elevated ESR is indicated then the next step is to find out what the cause for this is. Often when RA is suspected an ESR test and a rheumatoid factor test is done along with joint X rays to help confirm the diagnosis. It is not necessarily dangerous to have a high ESR however on the other hand it may signal something that could be.

What part of speech is inflammation?

Inflammation is a noun.