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It is ok. The ideal figure is 120/80. But as you grow older, it will get a little higher. Don't worry , you are just fine.

Caution! One should not be so hasty to say "you are just fine". If the diastolic rate (the lower number) is too low, the flow of blood is too low to deliver enough oxygen and nutrients to vital organs. Meaning that brain, heart, and kidney do not function normally and may be temporarily or permanently damaged. Ginseng and coffee come to mind to increase the blood pressure. Ginseng may also aid the better functioning of the vital organs. However, one must ALWAYS look at a wider picture before "playing" with 'medications'.

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16y ago

As a paramedic answering, yes and no. Your diastolic (lower number) is climbing to be a little on the high end. That represents the pressure with your heart at rest. It should be in the 70's, low 80's. That is text book for a average adult male.

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is 128 over 87 a good or bad blood presure for a 46 yr old female who is 5'2 and weights 207lbs

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10y ago

127 over 69 is on the high side of normal. 127 is JUST out of the range for the desired level, but 69 is good.

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What is a normal blood pressure for a child of xx years?

130/90 That depends from patient to patient especially if you are a heart patient or on medication. You really should contact a cardiologist or your family doctor. They may have some sites that they recommend for patients like you and for your condition.

Your blood pressure ranges from 100-70 is it normal or quite low?

Blood pressure depends on the individual. For a really active person it can be a bit on the higher end and vise versa. You should find out from your doctorwhat yournorm is. Blood pressure is variable. In the morning, just before arising, your systolic/diastolic blood pressure might be 104/78 mmHg. After eating breakfast and having coffee, it could change to 128/74 mm Hg. While sitting at your desk at work your level could rise to 149/79 mmHg. An annoying comment from a customer could push your blood pressure to 164/68 mmHg. You could blow off steam of take a walk (on a lunch hour if you are at work) and this in turn will lower the blood pressure to perhaps 130/70 mmHg. It's wise to get your blood pressure taken. Have a pharmacist do it at the drug store (they have blood pressure machines there.) Sometimes when people go to their doctor worrying about a problem they may have their blood pressure could sky-rocket and in some people it could be very low.

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