

Is 149 LDL high

Updated: 9/7/2023
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Q: Is 149 LDL high
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Is an LDL cholesterol reading of 148 anything to worry about?

ldl normal value 100 to 120 then it is high levle ldl

How often does high LDL contribute to heart attack risk?

what percentage of time does high LDL contribute to heart attacks?

What is hdl and ldl?

HDL is high density lipoprotein , Whilst LDL is low density lipoprotein .

My cholesterol total is 272 cholesterol LDL is 191 is that high please?

An LDL of 191 is in the somewhat high risk region, and the combined cholesterol total is also in the at higher risk region.

What does it mean if you have high LDL-P?

LDL-P stands for 'LDL-Particles' (as opposed to LDL-C which is LDL-Cholesterol). It's measured with a blood test commonly called "the particle test", and your LDL-P tells you the number of LDL particles in your blood. Usually LDL-P is measured along with LDL-C to obtain a more complete, detailed measure of cardiovascular risk - some doctors believe that particle levels as well as total cholesterol matter. Treatment strategies differ depending on the relationship between LDL-P and LDL-C, so there's not a 'cut and dried' target number for LDL-P (as there is for LDL-C).

What is Borderline high risk LDL cholesterol?

LDL cholesterol 130-159 mg/dL; total cholesterol 200-239 mg/dL

What does LDL have to do with heart attacks?

The most important one are Low Density Protestations (LDL) and High Density Protestations (HDL). The LDL carries most of the cholesterol in the blood and this LDL cholesterolis commonly referred to as "bad cholesterol". When the level is too high in the blood, the excess is deposited on the wall of the arteries. This can contribute to the narrowing on blockage of the coronary arteries, leading to the development of heart disease.

Why are your HDL and triglicerides low and your LDL is high?

In normal person level of HDL should be high because it is HIGH DENSITY LIPID which are good for the body and if LDL( low density lipid) id high means u are hyperlipidemia. So you have to go for anti-hyperlipidimic drugs

Will eating certain high cholesterol foods cause a rise in my LDL levels?

If you eat large amounts of animal based foods such as bacon sausage, or cold cuts, then you may develop high LDL levels. Any sorts of fried foods can also cause spikes in LDL levels. Trans fats also raise your LDL levels. Chips, butter and sugar foods are all in that category.

What lipoprotein is responsible for transporting cholesterol back to the liver form the periphery?

High-density lipoprotein (HDL)

Is Increased HDL levels are directly related to increased risk of a heart attack?

No, HDL is the "good" one, it is high levels of LDL that you want to avoid. High HDL, low LDL is considered the "heat healthy" situation.

What is the meaning of LDL and HDL?

OK so LDL is low density lipoprotein and HDL is high density lipoprotein. LDL is considered to be a bad cholesterol and HDL, a good colesterol. there is more on this topic here :